盟友。ライバル。憧れ。リスペクトし合う2組が互いに愛するネタをリクエスト!人生を変えたネタ、名作と崇めるネタ、十数年封印していたネタ、超長尺ネタ、とにかく死ぬほど笑ったネタ。人気・実力揃った豪華20組の、ここでしか見られない究極ネタと、互いの芸人人生とネタを語りつくしたディープトークが詰まった、これまでにないエモーショナルで挑戦的なネタ×トーク番組。出演:博多華丸・大吉×タカアンドトシ、中川家×海原やすよ ともこ、チュートリアル×さや香、笑い飯×千鳥、ダイアン×かまいたち、ジャルジャル×チョコレートプラネット、シソンヌ×ロングコートダディ、見取り図×マユリカ、ニューヨーク×エバース、霜降り明星×令和ロマン(C)吉本興業
Allies. Rivals. Admired. Two groups that respect each other request their favorite material! Material that changed their lives, material they revere as a masterpiece, material that has been sealed away for over a decade, super long material, material that simply made them laugh to death. 20 luxurious groups, all popular and talented, will perform their ultimate material that can only be seen here, and they will be filled with deep talks in which they talk at length about their lives as comedians and their material, in this unprecedented, emotional and challenging material x talk show. Cast: Hakata Hanamaru & Daikichi x Taka and Toshi, Nakagawa-ke x Kaihara Yasuyo & Tomoko, Tutorial x Sayaka, Warai-Meshi x Chidori, Diane x Kamaitachi, JaruJaru x Chocolate Planet, Sisonne x Long Coat Daddy, Mitorizu x Mayurika, New York x Evers, Shimofuri Myojo x Reiwa Roman (C) Yoshimoto Kogyo